I have been so lucky – and apparently good enough – to win a publishing contract for my novel Verdensfortællerne (World Narrators). I entered a writing competition by The Danish publisher Science Fiction Cirklen and was told recently that they want to publish my book late Spring/early Summer next year.
The commissioning editor describes it as a techno-thriller which is probably a good description of a story based on real world events and then turned into a (hopefully very) thrilling and entertaining story taking place in the near future.
One of the themes of the book is how our world view is constructed by the stories and narratives we are fed from the press, films, magazines, social media and not at least books.
Fiction Meets Reality
As we can see from yesterday’s interesting research from Bureau of Investigative Journalism in cooperation with The Sunday Times and the Daily Beast there’s an awful lot of money being spent on controlling the official narrative of wars.
In Verdensfortællerne I write about how PR companies cooperates with governments to persuade a reluctant population to embrace unnecessary wars and how media manipulation is used to smear activists and dissidents.
My book is a science fiction story with an alternative narrative to the official one.
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s work in cooperation with The Sunday Times and the Daily Beast is pure reporting of the facts.
Fiction meets Reality.